For each mooring there is a file called MMP\_profiles\_K*.mat which contains all the data on a regular depth grid, a non-regular time grid, and corrected velocities. These files are made of a structure called mmp that include: - time: start time of the profile - depth: regular depth to which the raw data have been interpolated. - U, V: corrected east and north velocity. - W: vertical velocity of the profiler (not corrected, not the oceanic w) - T, S}: temperature and salinity profiles. - THET, SIGTH}: potential temperature and potential density profiles. - timee: end time of the profile. - profile: is the profile number. - pmin, pmax: the min and maximum pressures. - tmin, tmax: the temperature at the min and max pressures. - U_uncorrected, V_uncorrected: uncorrected velocities, just for reference. Temperature, salinity, density, potential temperature were quality controlled and processed by Maggie Cook (WHOI). Velocities have been corrected by comparing with the other instruments. Amplitude is multiplied by a factor of 1.3333, and compass direction is adjusted. The speed correction was found by comparing different instruments located directly above or directly below the MMPs. For example, Fig. \ref{fig:MMPs_compK4} shows the comparison of the speed recorded by the ADCP (<250 m), a VACM deployed just below the sphere (about 260 m, and the MMP at the top of its profile during the first year at KESS-4. There is a clear bias, and taking the vertical shear into account doesn't change the answer. When all the data are considered (comparing with ADCP at the top, and the VACM at the bottom), we find that the best agreement is obtained by multiplying the MMP speeds by 4/3. Compass calibration are calculated via a least square fit, minimizing the difference between the velocity measurements from the MMP and the ADCP at the top, and the VACM at the bottom. This is a noisy estimate, but the data then fit reasonably well. theta(year, mooring)=[[NaN -18 -18 -20 -20 -16 -24 NaN]; ... [-15 -18 -14 -12 -10 -8 -70 -82]]; correction = 1.3333*exp(-i*theta*pi/180)*(U_i*V) NOTE: the compass was known to be off for a few moorings (KESS-7, KESS-8) in the second year. Also, in no case did we expect a small offset, so these numbers are not necessarily worrisome. However, MMP velocity measurements should not be trusted too much... A quantification of the error would be good...